Monday, March 10, 2025

A First Posting

 The Basics

Who am I? 

I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe. 

What is this?

This is a blog to display Infinity the Game (by Corvus Belli) tournament results, primarily by faction. I will be focusing on top performers, at least at first. 

When will posts come out?

I'm aiming for updates on a monthly basis. This allows for multiple tournaments to take place so the numbers don't get too skewed by one event.

Where do I ask questions or complain to you about what I see?

You can find me on the unofficial discord. Use small words, I'm easily confused/frightened. 

Why do this?

Three reasons:
  1. I enjoy playing with numbers
  2. I enjoy playing Infinity
  3. To show how the metagame is broken down on a faction level and by doing so reveal how healthy that metagame is
How do you obtain data?

I pull data from the ITS site and in cases where players have not entered data into OTM, by contacting tournament organizers and the players themselves. If you want to make life easier for this poor old chicken man, please encourage your friends to put their lists in OTM. 

Satellite Breakdowns

The following Satellite events are included in the stats below:
The Beantown Beatdown
Swedish Open Masters 2025
Quantronic Carajillo Challenge 2025
Sin City Smackdown 2025
CanCon 2025
Attack on Atlanta 2025
Colder than Carbonite 2025
Nanocional VII
Dacha 2025
Furor Teutonicus 2025
II Insula Maior
Salt Lake Showdown
Behind Enemy Lines
Tidewater Tempest 2025

In addition to the three charts above, I've also tried to compile as much large tournament data as I can find on ITS. I'm currently looking at any tournaments that have at least 16 players, as more players tend to allow for a more diverse field. This chart covers 25 large tournaments so far in N5, including the satellite results. 

Factions not pictured:

You might be asking: but Chickens, what about my tournament where "x" faction won? I may have missed it -- especially if it took place outside of the United States, Spain, the UK or Australia. Another possibility is that the faction data was not added to OTM.  Feel free to message me on discord if you notice any discrepancies or feel your tournament may have been missed.  

A First Posting

 The Basics Who am I?  I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.  What is this? This is a blog to display Infinity th...